Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tea Bar

Back at the University and work is piling up, however with the recent crash of my laptop I have found that I explored many tea businesses and have come to the conclusion that a tea bar would be ideal for us to being our business research. Things to consider:
  1. Which tea trends can drive customers to the door (and keep them coming back again and again!).
  2. What tea history can teach you about your business in 2009
  3. The correct way to choose tea
  4. How to create a tea niche and succeed (that works with our lifestyles)
  5. What never to believe in a tea business seminar (and what to know BEFORE we invest our life savings in a tea room)
  6. A NAME! for the business (My good friend Joe suggested "Joe's T-bag" However, I told him that was inappropriate)
  7. Business Plan
  8. Just keeping the list small I am going off some of this websites advice.

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